Statement of Online Data Protection Policy for

We appreciate your interest in our services and want you to feel secure about the protection of your personal data when visiting this website. We take the protection of your personal data seriously. We want you to know when we collect particular data, and how we use it. In the following, we explain the type, scope and purpose of data collection and the use of your personal data. This information can be retrieved at any time from our website.
In order to guarantee the security of your personal data, such data will be assiduously protected against unauthorised access and unauthorised disclosure, and will not be conveyed to third parties without authorisation.

Purpose of the website and respective data processing

The use of our site is possible without disclosing personal data. The voluntary entry of your personal details (for example, your name, address, email, phone number and the like) will only be processed by us according to the provisions of RA Law on Personal Data Protection, international agreements on personal data protection ratified by RA and will not be passed on to a third party without your express consent. Data will be considered personal if they can be clearly associated with a specific person.
The following will inform you of the type, scope and purpose of the collection, use and processing of personal data by the service provider.

Data entered in web application

The web application is intended to be used by private persons or entities on behalf of private persons who are interested in receiving a specialized loan for financing energy efficient housing investments. The main purposes of the web application are the following:

  1. Inform users about eligible energy efficiency measures under the program.
  2. Provide users the possibility to obtain an estimate on energy and CO2 emission savings that can be implied by several standard energy efficiency measures.
  3. Summarize the estimates on energy and CO2 emission savings and the user’s data input in a pdf report which the user can download on the last page of the tool.
  4. Store data such as selected measures, predicted savings, assessment date, email address the user chooses to provide it, address of the real estate, in a database to enable monitoring of loans and creation of summary reports.
  5. This summary can be used to present the planned investment to a potential financer.

To facilitate these purposes, the user of the web application is asked to enter personal as well as non-personal data into the tool. The tool requests the following information from the user:

  • Technological details of the planned energy efficiency measure (non-personal data)
  • Investment costs of the project planned for implementation (non-personal data)
  • Region or city district in which the user lives (non-personal data)
  • Full name of the person filling in the web application (personal data)
  • Email address to be able to make changes in the assessment report (personal data, optional)
  • Comments (personal data, optional)

All personal data which is entered by the user in this web-based tool is only stored temporarily. This temporary storage of data is necessary in order to produce the pdf summary at the end in the last step of the web-based assessment tool, as well as for being able to make changes in the summary. The personal data entered by the user is not passed on to third parties.
The pdf summary, which can be produced on the last page of the tool, is only available to the user. That is, the pdf summary/the information contained there-in will only be conveyed to a third-party if the user pro-actively shares this pdf summary (e.g. if the user sends an email with the pdf summary to a potential financer).

General information about data processing

Extent of personal data processing

We process our users’ personal data only to the extent required for providing a functional website and supplying the content of our services. We process our users’ personal data regularly only if the respective users have given their consent. The only exception to this is where it is actually impossible for us to obtain prior consent and processing of the data is legally allowed.

Legal basis for processing personal data

The personal data entered by you is processed according to the provisions of RA Law on Personal Data Protection.

Provision of website and creation of log files

Details and extent of data processing

Any time our website is accessed, our system automatically records data and information concerning the accessing computer.
The following data is recorded:

  1. Information on the browser type and version used
  2. The user’s operating system
  3. The user’s Internet service provider
  4. The user’s IP address
  5. Date and time of access
  6. Websites from which the user’s system reaches our website
  7. Websites the user’s system accesses from our website

This data is also recorded in our system’s log files. This data is not stored together with any of the user’s other personal data.

Purpose of data processing

Our system needs to temporarily record the IP address in order to provide the website to the user’s computer. This also requires that the user’s IP address remains logged throughout the session.

Recording the data in log files is necessary to ensure that the website operates correctly. The data further helps us optimise the website and ensure that our computer systems remain secure. No data is processed for marketing purposes in this context.

Purpose of data processing

Our system needs to temporarily record the IP address in order to provide the website to the user’s computer. This also requires that the user’s IP address remains logged throughout the session.

Recording the data in log files is necessary to ensure that the website operates correctly. The data further helps us optimise the website and ensure that our computer systems remain secure. No data is processed for marketing purposes in this context.

Data storage period

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for achieving the purpose for which it was recorded. With respect to data being recorded in order to provide the website, the data is no longer required as soon as the respective session ends.

With respect to data being recorded in log files, the data is no longer required after fourteen days at the latest. Data may remain on record for longer. If so, the users’ IP addresses are deleted or rendered untraceable to make identification of the accessing client impossible.

Right to object and options for avoidance

The website cannot be provided without recording the data and the operation of the site in the Internet is impossible without storing the data in log files. There is correspondingly no option for the user to object.

Use of cookies

The optimal functionality of our website is contingent upon the utilization of cookies, which are indispensable for ensuring the highest level of performance and enhancing user experience. Any information gathered is strictly prohibited from being disseminated to third parties without explicit user consent, and it is not utilized for marketing endeavors.


To keep your data secure during transmission, we use the latest state of the art in encryption technology (e.g. TLS/SSL) via HTTPS.

Contact by email Details and extent of data processing

You have the option to contact us under the email address provided. If you do so, we will store the personal user data included in the email.

We will not give this data to anybody else. The data will be used solely for handling our conversation.

Legal basis for processing personal data

The data received as part of email communication is processed according to the provisions of RA Law on Personal Data Protection.

Purpose of data processing

Where users contact us via email, this also constitutes the legitimate interest in processing the data.

Data storage period

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for achieving the purpose for which it was recorded. In terms of the personal data received by email, this applies when the respective conversation with the user has concluded. The conversation has concluded when the circumstances indicate that the respective subject has been fully resolved.

Right to object and options for avoidance

All users can at any time withdraw their consent to our processing their personal data. If a user contacts us by email, they can object at any time to our storing their personal data. If they do so, the conversation cannot be pursued further.

You can withdraw your consent and object to our storing data by phone (name and address of controller) or by sending an email to [email protected]

If you do so, we will delete all personal data recorded as part of our contact.

Data subject’s rights

If your personal data is processed, you are a data subject as defined in RA Law on Personal Data Protection and consequently have all the rights arising from that law.

Changes to our data policy

We reserve the right to amend this data policy to keep it in line with the latest legal requirements or to adjust it to reflect changes to our services, e.g. if we introduce new services. The latest version of our data policy will apply to any further visits.

Latest version: 22/03/2024